My Winx Club

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My Winx Club-Pretty esta cambiando de diseño.Disculpen las Molestias


Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta la entrevista de Pretty. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta la entrevista de Pretty. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

Entrevista a Valory Pierce

Hoy , he entrevistado a Valory Pierce , una YouTuber americana que le encanta el mundo del Winx Club y que ha creado dos webseries basadas en el mundo de las Winx:Winx Fairy y Fairy V ademas de videos dedicados al Winx Club o review de productos Winx.
La entrvista esta en ingles pero la traducire pronto:

1-How do you met Winx Club?
 I discovered Winx back in 2004
 2-Who Is your Winx favourite?
My favorite Winx would have to be Stella,
I can relate to her a lot more than any other Winx girl.
3-Which Is your Winx Club's favourite season?
 My favorite season would be season 3 and 5, in season 3 we see the girls grow up, season 5 is when I rediscovered Winx again
4-Who are your favourite Winx Club Couple?
 My favorite couple is Stella and Brandon. It shows more realistic that no matter how perfect can be, there will always be times when we disagree or argue.
5-What do you think of seventh season of Winx Club?
 I wish season 7 of Winx Club , Nick would've dubbed it.
 6-WhoIs your favourite Fairy Animal?
 I like Amarok, I like dogs best.
7-Which song do you like More of seventh season of Winx Club?
 I have to say 'So wonderful Winx'
8-Do you like The return of Trix in seventh season? 
 It was unexpected but it didn't go into detail how they got back. I liked how they posed a threat more so than Kalshara
9-What do you think of Kalshara And Brafilius?
 I like how Kalshara is bossy and tries to be a villain but I think she doesn't do a great job at it
9-Did you like Winx Club's New Dub in English? 
10. No, I prefer Nick dub
11-Do you like Winx Club Butterflix Fairy Dolls by Witty Toys
I do
12-What Winx apps do you have?
Winx Fairy School but I no longer play it
13-Have you read a Winx Club Magazine? Or Book?
 I have the magic collection novel by the Winx
 14-How do you Create Winx Fairy Webserie?
 I practiced and got creative with my imagination and determination
15-How many cost you to make a Webisode of Winx Fairy?
 15. It costs a great deal of time and money that goes into the outfits and hair, music etc.
16-Which of your Webserie you prefer:Fairy V or Winx Fairy?
I like both but Fairy V is more personal.
 17-What will happen in The next episodes of Winx Fairy?
You'll just have to wait and see!
18-Are you impatient to see Winx Club World of Winx And eight season? 
Good things come in time
19-What Style of animation of Winx Club do you prefer:2D , 3D , Nick or Fairy Couture?
2D and I like Fairy Couture
20-Do you have Winx Fairy Couture products?
Yes, journal and their perfumes
21-Do you know Winx Club All Blog?
 21. I've heard of them
22-What do you think of The Message of Winx Club?
I think the message of Winx is to always stay strong and believe in yourself
 23-Do you like Ever After High? 
I do
24-Have you seen Ever After High Specials , Movies And Series?
I have and I love the storyline
25- Do you think that Winx Club Is inspired in animes like Sailor Moon?
 Perhaps. Many shows are inspired by one another one way or another.
 26-Will you like that fourth movie of Winx Club will be a Live Action with Bloomix?
I am not sure for the 4th movie, that will have high production costs and I think to be safe they should stick to 3D for the movies.

Desde aqui , agradezco que Valory Pierce me haya respondido en Facebook y haya aceptado responder la entrevista.

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Entrevista a PlayWinxClub sobre la app Alfea Butterflix Adventures -en ingles-

1-Why inspired you in create Winx Club Alfea Butterflix Adventures App?In the Winx Club Videogame of 2004?
 We felt that the Winx fans deserved to be able to explore Alfea in full 3D 3rd person mode. We knew the videogame of 2004 was very popular and we were inspired to take that idea and make it happen for mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones. We are really happy with the result in terms of gameplay and graphical style. However, we knew it is hard to have Nintendo DS like controls on a mobile device so we are waiting to hear what the fans think about that!
Tsumanga is a small studio, and we have only focussed on Winx over the last 3 years. It's important for our Winx to meet the needs of the fans - we want to build games that can be played for many months and have a feeling of quality.

 2-How long did you work in Winx Club Alfea Butterflix Adventures App?
 We worked on the APP development for around 12 months with a team of 12 people Full-time!

 3-Can you tell me why the Winx didn´t wear the Fairy College clothes from the seventh season in the app ?
 There are Season 7 outfits - Time Traveller and Park outfits. However the default outfit is the Season 6 school with new Season 7 School coming soon

 4-What is the objective of the app? The objective is to collect all Keys hidden in Alfea, keep your population growing, battle Brafilus to keep his wild magic from coming into the school and collect all trading cards possible!

 5-Why you put the trading cards in the app?
 We added Trading Cards - to give the game more depth, and we know that Trading Cards are popular. So discovering all of the cards is a fun way to play the game

 6-How you unlock the teachers and characters in the app?
 You need to collect the CARD of the Teacher and then at certain population levels the Teachers will begin to appear around the school.

 7-How you unlock all the Winx in the app?
 You need to collect keys, build the population and collect gems to unlock the Winx. Each fairy has a different amount of each - thus making the game more challenging

 8-How you unlock Butterflix transformation in the app?
 You need to collect all Winx fairies before you Transform in the Boss level.

 9-How you increase your population of students in the app?
 By collecting gems, keys and destroying Brafilius.

 10-Will we see more clothes of the seventh season in the next updates?and from other seasons?
 Yes more and more outfits to come soon!

 11-Why Brafilius is the Boss of the app? because I think that Kalshara will be better than Brafilius
 We didn't' have enough time to include Kaishara - we plan on adding her later to the game.

 12-Can you take photos or videos of the app?
 Yes we love for User Generate Content of the Game to be made, as it helps all Winx Fans know about the game. The more games that we sell means we can continue to re-invest in the games and make them better and better.

 13-How many plattforms will be avalible the app?
 At the moment only Google and Apple.

 14-Why the app didn´t have lite version?
 We will release a LITE version on Apple at the some point the future. A LITE version on Google is more of a problem due to PRIACY. Piracy is a huge problem for Tsumanga, as we invest in the Winx games for the fans, if the fans like the games then they are happy pay, it is great for everyone. However, Cracking of the LITE version just means we lose money and therefore we can't reinvest into the Winx games or make new ones, because we are not receiving any income due to Piracy. We are only a very small company and every penny received goes into pay for staff (Malik, Gary, Jonny, Heather, Spencer, Catherine and Graeme), office space and software and that's about it.

 15-Do you enjoy do Winx apps?
 Yes we love it - we have been working for 3 years on Winx, we love working with Rainbow they are great bunch of people to work with! Of course they are very cool too being from Italy

 16-What do you think of the opinion of the Winx Fans and Winx Bloggers?
 We love to hear good or bad from the Bloggers and Fans - we really want to boost our social media presence this year and next. So any the Bloggers and Fans can do to help would be very much appreciated. Ideas such as Let's Play videos, Walk Throughs, Discussions about Secrets and General How To's would be amazing!

 17-How many teachers can unlock in the app?
 There are around 10 NPC's in the game. 

18-Will Tynix and Fairy Animals appear in future updates? Yes. ;-)

 19-How you control the Winx in the app?
 The game is using a joystick pad on the left and a interaction (360 view) and jump on the right. All of these are controlled by the users thumbs ;-)

 20-What are the keys in the app?and the gemlins?
 You need to destroy the Gemlins because they EAT your gems. The more GEMS eaten the more Wild Magic comes into Alfea - and that is BAD!

 21-Will Kalshara appear in next updates?
 Yes that is the plan.

 22-What will be in the next update? We have 2 updates coming - We are adding new Outfits and Classrooms for Oct, and then brand NEW level for Xmas holidays - more on that later

23-Can you describe the experience of play the app?
 The BEST Winx club game ever made for MOBILE ;-)

 24-What do you think of Winx Club Alfea Butterflix Adventures App?
 We have loved making it, we have seen some great reaction from the fans and we are happy so far with the result!

 25-How many hours can you pass with the app for now?
The idea is that you can play the forever ;-)

 26-Will the app have multiplayer mode or events? We would like to create a global market place to TRADE Trading card with each other ;-)

Thanks to PlayWinxClub for this wonderful interview.

Gracias a PlayWinxClub por esta maravillosa entrevista.
Recuerda que la app ya esta disponible para dispositivos con iOS y GooglePlay.

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Pretty entrevista al diseñador de la app Winx Sirenix Power

En exclusiva,gracias a playwinxclub he conseguido entrevistar al diseñador de la app Winx Sirenix Power,la nueva app del Winx Club que estara disponible proximamente.
Me ha costado mucho conseguirlo pero lo he logrado.La entrevista la puedes leer en español y en ingles.
1-Cuando la app estara a la venta?
La aplicación estará disponible para los dispositivos de Apple a finales de abril principios de mayo, dependiendo de la aprobación de Apple.
 2- ¿La app costara dinero o sera gratuita?
La aplicación será gratis para para todo el mundo pude jugar, usted puede comprar las hadas Winx y adicionales o nuevos entornos, todo ello dentro de la 5 ª temporada.
 3 ¿Puede describir la aplicación?
Winx Sirenix Power se basará en la 5  temporada de la serie  y está situada bajo el Océano Infinito, donde se puede probar una carrera contra reloj, contra Tritannus y las Trix para salvar las Selkies. Se podra jugar en la mayoría de los teléfonos inteligentes y Tablets PC con sistemas operativos de Apple o Android. También dentro del juego habrá una tienda, selecciones de niveles,de hadas y power-ups para mejorar su experiencia de juego.Hay una sorpresa para nuestros fans que trabajaron juntos en lograr hacer algo muy especial - que es real y para ayudar a las personas menos afortunadas. La APP se vinculará a donde los usuarios pueden encontrar la manera de realizar que otros FANS entren dentro del juego - destacando con logros y recompensas. Estimamos que la aplicación gratuita viendracon alrededor de 3 a 4 horas de juego GRATIS!
La APP esta 3D dando a los fans un profundo y envolvente sensación de ser una hada Winx en el Océano Infinito por primera vez!
4 ¿Se puede seleccionar a todas las Winx para jugar la aplicación?
Sí, en el principio pueden y Stella.Pero luego puedes comprar a las otras.
 5 ¿Cuántos niveles tiene la aplicación?
 8 niveles estaran disponibles y pueden venir con una barrera de tres estrellas logro que pone de manifiesto cuando los tres objetivos se han completado con éxito.
 6 ¿Cuántas opciones tiene la aplicación? ¿La aplicación tiene tienda virtual?
La aplicación tiene una tienda y por un módico precio la APP puede ser actualizado para incluir nuevas hadas y niveles.
 7 ¿Que  son los corazones? 
Usted tendrá que jugar a la app para averiguarlo!
 8-¿El escenario esta basado en el Océano Infinito que sale en la quinta temporada de Winx Club?
 Sí, hemos tomado la obra de arte directamente desde el entorno de dibujos animados, es muy fresco y emocionante. Nos encantó, y estamos seguros de que a nuestros fans también.
 9-¿Cómo puedes obtener la aplicación?
 Puede obtener la aplicación desde la App Store y Google Play,donde se podra descargar y jugar ... el resto tendrá que averiguar ;-)
10-¿Puede  decirnos algo de las aplicaciones futuras del Winx Club y el mundo virtual?
 El mundo virtual está en producción y estará vinculado estrechamente a la caricatura, con mucha aventura, fantasía, tareas creativas e intercambio - que funcionan tanto en modo un  jugador y multijugador.
 11 - La App podria tener clasificaciones?
 Esperamos que logre una buena clasificación por los fans!

1-As the idea of the app Winx Sirenix Power went out? 
The APP will be available for APPLE devices around the end April beginning of May, depending on APPLE approval.
 2- Will the app cost money or will free? 
The APP will be Free to Play for everyone, you can buy additional Winx fairies and or new environments, all set within Season 5.
 3-Can you describe the app? 
Winx Sirenix Power will be based upon Season 5 and it is set under Infinite Ocean, where you can time trial race, challenge Tritannus and the Trix to save the Selkie's. It will work on most SMARTPHONES and TABLET Computer with APPLE or Android operating systems. Also within the game there will be a shop, level selections, fairy selections and power ups to enhance your game experience. There is a surprise for our FANS to work together all around to achieve something very special - it is real and will help less fortunate people. The APP will be linked where users can find out how others FANS performing within the game - highlighting achievements and rewards. We estimate the Free APP will come with around 3 to 4 hours worth of game play for FREE!! The APP is 3D giving FANS an in-depth and immersive feeling of being a Winx fairy in the Infinite Ocean for very first time!!
 4-Can you select all the Winx to play the app?
 Yes, in the first FANS can access to two fairies.
 5-How many levels has got the app? 
8 Levels are available and can come with a THREE star achievement barrier that highlights when all three objectives are completed successfully.
 6-How many options has got the app? Has the app got virtual shop? 
The APP has a SHOP and for a small price the APP can be upgraded to include new fairies and levels. 7-what are the hearts? 
You will need to play the game to find out!
 8-Is the scenary based on the infinite ocean based in the fifth season of Winx Club?
 Yes, we have taken the environment artwork straight from the cartoon, it is very cool and exciting. We love it and we are sure our FANS will too.
 9-How do you play at the app?
You can get the APP from the APP STORE and Google Play, there you can download and play …the rest you'll need find out ;-)
 10-Can you tell us something of future apps of the Winx Club and the virtual world?
The virtual world is under production and will closely be LINKED to the cartoon, with lots of adventure, fantasy, creative and sharing tasks - that will work in both single and multiplayer modes. 1
11-May The app have rankings? 
We hope it achieves good rankings with the FANS!

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